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Being a mom is the most exhausting and rewarding job there is.  As a mom we wear many hats, we are wives, business owners, friends, sisters, daughters, all while these little human beings depend on us for everything.  The weight and stress of the role of a mom can leave us in a mom funk! This funk can impact every part of our lives and put pressure and stress on our marriages.  It is so important to follow these 7 self-love tips when we are exhausted.

  1. Forget mom guilt: Grace for yourself is so important. We make the choice to chose every moment what mood we want to be in.  Do not let yourself fall into guilt.  You can learn from your mistakes but let the emotions flow all the way through you.  Do not let them affect you.  If you did something wrong learn from it, forget it, and move on.
  2. Take a long shower or a bath: I like to use the water as a metaphor of washing away all “the stuff” I like to use Epsom salt, bath bombs, candles, music, books, magazine and even just peace and quiet as a way of relaxing.  It’s a place I go to spend time with God and get away from all the noise.
  3. Date night: There is nothing more important than putting your marriage first. Your husband is the person you spend the rest of your life with.  You have to make an effort to get dressed up and spend one on one time together as a couple.  Don’t have the money or a sitter? Have a date night in.
  4. Journal: Doesn’t matter how this looks, doesn’t need to be formal. Just get your thoughts out there! I like to journal bible verses every morning to help set my day up for success. Journaling helps you reflect, grow and become more in tune with your emotions.
  5. Go out with a girlfriend: Girl time is vital, girls communicate on a different level than guys and it is important you have friends in your life that fill your buckets. I have friends for different reasons, some are mom friends, some longtime childhood friends, some friends for personal growth others for professional growth.  It’s just important to get away from work, kids, and hubby and spend time with people that fill you up.
  6. Make yourself a priority: You know what they say put your oxygen mask on first before assisting your child. You can only love others as much as you love yourself. Be vocal and open to what you need in your life.  Don’t be ashamed of putting yourself first, its crucial to being a good mom.
  7. Sleep: sleep is correlated with everything. They always say sleep when the baby sleeps but sometimes that doesn’t feel practical when you need to do laundry but that laundry can wait another day… you are only going to add a few more outfits to your pile.  Sleep can make everything feel more exasperated.  We are more emotional and triggered more easily so sleep needs to be a priority.

Mom funk is inevitable but if you follow these 7 steps you will feel less exhausted, have a healthier marriage and be able to be a better mom.