Podcast Episode 007:

Baby Carrier Reviews

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Babywearing is one of the best ways to get things accomplished around the house as well as keeping the baby happy. It is so great for the 4th trimester to encourage physical development, aid in colic relief, bonding and comforting my baby. We alternate between a few different carriers depending on what we are doing.

The Baby Bjorn original is probably my favorite carrier. It is the most comfortable, easy to use and put on by myself, allows the baby to face in and out and simple. It looks like the actual one I have had been replaced with what is linked here.

The Ergo Original is one of the top-rated carriers available on the market. It is a super lightweight carrier and easy to adjust. My favorite benefit of this pack is the hood that gives the baby shade for napping. I would prefer using this pack for an older baby. It does require an infant insert which for some reason my babies haven’t liked to use. My Ergo only has the two positions but Shaina has the Ergo 360 which allows you to use it in 4 positions. I found a really nice sweatshirt to wear over the Ergo that is great for colder weather. The sweatshirt can also be used for other carriers. I tend to use it for my Bjorn over the front to cut down on wind chill. Check our YouTube video. More information available here.

The Baba Sling is probably the easiest carrier to use. Shaina loves it because it is so compact and easy to use with multiple positions. Unfortunately, it puts weight on your shoulder which makes it hard to wear for long periods of time and harder to breastfeed in. The Baba Sling is always in Shaina’s car because it is so easy to throw on. Check out our YouTube video on ways to wear the sling. Using a baby carrier at the store is great because it frees up room, allows you to be hands-free and for us, the oldest kids can sit in the cart. More information available here.

The Moby Wrap is a great option to use while at home once you understand how to put it on. We do not recommend that you the Moby wrap in public because of the 18 feet of fabric that drags on the ground. Shaina’s husband is a police officer which leaves her with kiddos 4 nights a week.  Have you ever tried to nurse a screaming baby while trying to make dinner, do dishes, change a poopy diaper, or brush your toddlers’ teeth? Don’t even get her started on the bedtime routine when she’s alone with these three.  That will have to be saved for another blog post.   What makes it great at home is that it is easy to breastfeed in, extremely comfortable and easy to take on the go. More information available here.

If you can only afford to get one carrier, we recommend going with the ergo. We definitely recommend adding some sort of baby carriers to your registry as they help in simplifying motherhood (and fatherhood).